Four Princesses From Montgomery

      I know four princesses that are originally from Montgomery. One now lives in Fairhope, one in Dothan, one in Birmingham and one in Boston. They are beautiful and brave and fighting a fight I hope I am never in.
     The Princess of Fairhope has already valiantly defeated one ferocious demon and continues her fight with a lessor minion, Crohn's disease. She whiles away the hours in her garage-like castle forming simple clay into platters, bowls, plates, mugs and gumbo ornaments. All paying homage to the Gulf she loves so much.
     The Princess of Boston, friends with the Princess of Fairhope, has been funky from the start. She wore Doc Martens way before the girl in Art's did, and the Princess of Boston really was/is in a band. This princess has fought through her chemo and just recently got a "cut and color", even though she was gorgeous "sans" hair.
     The Princess of Dothan, quite frankly, has been through the ringer. She is battling leukemia and the effects from a transplant. This war is nearing year three and her reinforcements are beginning to become depleted.
     The Princess of Birmingham's battle has just begun. She is in the throws of it right now. Her cancer seems to be spreading aggressively, more so than this princess and her royal family had hoped (prayed).
     But what makes these friends true princesses is that they know that God, who reigns sovereign, is their Father. They have each turned to Him in their darkest moments, and climbed up into His lap for rest. Please pray for all these princesses, that their battles are not fought alone. The Princess of Dothan and the Princess of Birmingham both have Caring Bridge sites. To share The Princess of Dothan's "faith of a mustard seed" , click here. To "pound the throne of God" for the Princess of Birmingham, click here.


  1. Kathleen, my Mom just shared this post with me. I am in Birmingham right now with my sister, who is indeed a Princess. Thank you so much for writing this, and more importantly, praying for her as she fights this battle.


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