Easy Saturday Nights

It's hard to believe that we began the hunt for our first house, and current house, about 15 years ago. Seems like just a year or two ago. While in the midst of that hunt, we ran in to some friends at a wedding who told us of this great house right across the street from them. So, we looked at it the following week and quickly made an offer. When I walked in the house, our house, for the first time I remember telling Bob, "we could raise our imaginary children here." At that time in our lives children were not, and I mean not, in the plan.

We do love our house still. What made it so fun in the first few years were those across the street neighbors we ran in to at that wedding. Many, many, many a-weekend night was spent cooking out with Chris and Carolyn, also sans kiddos at the time, at their house or ours. Our houses were both decorated in the "newly married" genre and the visits came with disclaimers; watch for the broken chair, that table-top and base are not connected, there is a hole in the floor. But it didn't matter, the food was good and the beer was cold.

Carolyn's grandaddy was a cattle farmer. As every good Southern grandaddy-farmer would do, he made sure his precious one had a cow butchered just for her every year. And we were fortunate enough to share in the wonderful bounty-of-beef on those weekend nights. Chris would man the grill, Bob would talk cotton and football,  and Carolyn and I would get the rest of the supper together. One recipe from those tranquil evenings I still use today. It's easy, it's simple, and it's from my friend Carolyn.

Carolyn's Easy Potatoes
(there are no real measurements to this because it is really hard to mess it up)

New potatoes, about 4-6 depending on the size
Butter, real butter
Ranch dressing

Cook new potatoes in boiling water until done; you can easily pierce with a fork. Drain. Mash them up with butter, leave the skin on and some big chunks. Stir in ranch dressing before you serve. Great with steak.


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