Unicorns and Rainbows

It's easy for me to be a Christian. I am fairly well educated and have enough natural smarts to read and understand Scripture. I am able to define imagery, historical, and prophetic styles through the verses. I am able to link passages together and to understand more clearly what God says . I can relay my thoughts in a manner in which others understand. Right?

I have a warm, or cool, house. A comfortable bed. Problems deciding what to wear due to too many choices in my walk-in closet. Shoes for every occasion. An overflowing pantry. Smart kids. A wonderful husband. Not much to worry about, not much to threaten our family. I pray for protection from the stomach bug and the petty thieves rifling through our cars at night.  Pretty much unicorns and rainbows. It is easy for me to be a Christian.

But what if I was not afforded the education that I received? What if my brain worked slower and it was difficult for me to grasp concepts in the Bible? What if my house was uncomfortable; hot in the summer and cold in the winter? What if the far-off gunshots we occasionally hear at night were every night and on our street? What if I had to worship God in secret? What if my kids were "those kids" and my husband long gone? What would my prayers look like compared to what they are now?

 Does it make me less faithful than a Christian in a closed country or the west side of town? Honestly, it very well could. I could sit back and eat bon-bons while the world spins out of control around me. Content to sit in carpool line texting the mom in line right behind me. (Not that I do that because it is against carpool rules.) Thanking God from putting me right where I am, safe.

I do thank God for putting me right where I am, safe. Because it is right where He wants me to be. If it wasn't I wouldn't be here. That 's how the Sovereign God works, don't ya know. He tells us to pray with out ceasing and in no matter what your circumstances be thankful. Thankful for his Son Jesus. Thankful for his gift of Grace. Thankful that he pulled me up out of the mire of sin and set me on the path of righteousness. Thankful that though I will sin, I have an advocate that God looks through to see me blameless. Thankful that there is hope. He tells us to ask in his name and it will be given to you. I ask Him to continue in me the good works which he prepared before hand. I ask Him to work in  my children's hearts as he did  mine. I ask that what they learn through church and school is written on their hearts. I ask that they see their brokenness and need of a Savior. I ask Him to come quickly; heal the world of its pain and sickness; to wipe away every tear and death to be no more; to make all things new.

God does care about the stomach bug and the car-go-throughers. He cares about all parts of my life on easy street as much as he cares for those on the other side of the world. I can read Scripture and grasp the meaning and the beauty of the language. Others may need more instruction. But God wrote the Bible for all of his people, not just the intellectuals. He communicates His Story through the pages and reveals to readers what he chooses to reveal. Ever noticed a word or phrase in a verse you have read a thousand times before and say, "When did that get in there?" He takes each one of his children along their walk with Him one step at a time. A different pace for each sheep. Some can run, some skip, some walk, some limp. He is with each one. An he says,
          "Come, my love, my beautiful one, come, for behold, the winter is past; the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth, the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land. The fig tree ripens its figs, and the vines are in blossom; they give forth fragrance. Come, my love, my beautiful one, come." Song of Solomon 2:10 -13


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