What Scares You?

A few weeks ago, on a Sunday night, one of the ministers at our church told us about an email he received from a Christian organization. The title of the email was, "Has Your Church Been Bombed Today?" The body of the email went on to talk about how most Christian churches around the world operate under the very real threat of being attacked, on a weekly or daily basis. That title has haunted me since.

You hear about it all the time. In Egypt. In Syria. And of places that put Christians in prison for worshipping the Lord. In China. In North Korea. Most Christians live in fear of being found out. We, I , take for granted the freedom we have in America. To do what we want, go where we want, say what we want. Go to church, or not. Whatever works for you.

My concerns on an average Sunday morning? Don't be late. Make sure the kids eat enough breakfast. Teeth are brushed. Hair is combed and sort of behaving. Son has overcome his distress of wearing a collared shirt. Daughter understands she can't wear her pink plastic high heels, so we settle on her Hello Kitty rain boots and it's not raining. Try and remember if we wore the same thing last week. Have the offering? Have the Bible? Have an extra snack if the kids need it? What are we going to do for lunch? Let's decide later. Now, everyone in the car. Now. I said now. NOW!!

Not once do I wonder if there is a terror threat pending against our church. Not once do I wonder if the authorities are watching us and "know". Not once do I even consider our safety and freedom in the getting-ready-for-church process.

I have to ask myself, "would I take my family to church if there was a possibility it would be bombed that day?" My answer, "I honestly don't know." And that scares me.


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